Monday, April 20, 2009

Someone call Fed Ex

Well today is the day all the helmets and shoulder pads got bagged up and ready for Fed Ex Freight to pick up so they can go to Riddell/All American in San Antonio.

We called in the super stars of Riddell/All American, Dan Vooletich and Jeff Watson to make sure everything will go as planned when the bags are at the plant.

Jeff Watson is the Tucson Rep for Riddell/All American, and Dan Vooletich is one of Riddell/All American's Regional Sales Managers. Dan also serves as our Key Account Manager. Dan is based out of San Antonio.

We also turned in our new helmet and shoulder pad order today. We ordered 46 CPX shoulder pads and 60 helmets. We are ordering 30 Revolution IQ helmets, and 30 of the new Revolution Speed helmets.

Today we are shipping 30 bags to San Antonio that include 124 CPX shoulder pads for reconditioning, and 226 helmets. They will clean and sanitize every item and check for any defects and repairs. Every helmet and shoulder pad will come back looking brand new!!!! If it can not be fixed they will reject the piece of equipment.

As mentioned before, we believe 100% in Riddell/All American and know two things for sure. One, we will get the best service available, and two, we will be protected with the best insurance policy in the business.

Voo putting the finishing touches on the bags bound for San Antonio:

Dan Vooletich calling Fed Ex Freight to come pick up the bags:
Jeff Watson getting shoulder pad bags tightly secured:

Jeff looking at helmet with Benny looking on:

Getting the helmets ready for the bags:

Benny helping out with all the work:
Jeff Watson making sure everything is written down correctly:
Voo and Benny working hard:

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